• zenithnepal12@gmail.com
  • +977-01-5424901,9808222095
  • kupondole, Lalitpur
Total Marks :

Nursing MCQS Model Question 1

1. How many bones are there in human vertebra?

Process : How many bones are there in human vertebra

2. Which of the following chamber of heart pumps oxygenated blood towards the aorta?

3. The normal WBC count is……..

4. The process of blood cells formation is called……..

5. The normal intake of water per day is………

6. Which type of drug is mebendazote?

7. The safest route for injection is……..

8. What is the pressure of vitreous humor in eyes?

9. The most important electrolyte of intracellular fluid is…….

10. The beta cell of islets of langerhans secrets………hormone.

11. A patient is schedule for a urinary catheterization, in which position should the nurse place the patient…….

12. Tachycardia means pulse rate……….

13. A patient is scheduled for NG feeding. In which position should he nurse place the patient……..

14. The fastest route to give medicine is………

15. Nosocomial infection is the infection acquired by………

16. Nepal nursing council was established in……

17. A nurse administers an intravenous solution of 0.45 sodium chloride. With respect to human blood call, to which category of fluid does this solution belongs?

18. A patient is to have gastric gavages. In which position should the nurse place the client when the gavages tube is being inserted…………

19. Which electrolyte of intracellular fluid is the most important?

20. Sterile urine specimen is collected from…………

21. A patient is having dyspnea. To facilitate respiration, the nurse would….

22. A patient has an abnormal, unexpected response to a drug this is defined as…….

23. You are to administer a medication using a nasogastric tube. Before giving medicine, you should…….

24. 24. Vitamin K, 10mg given IM, is ordered vitamin K is available as 5mg/ml. how much would the nurse administers?

25. While administering a blood transfusion, when would the nurse asses the patient for a blood transfusion reaction?

26. When assessing a patient at risk for pressure ulcer formation, which site would the nurse identify as being most common?

27. A patient is receiving 100ml of IV fluid per 24 hours. Using on IV set with drop rate of 15 drops/ml the nurse should plan to regulate the IV is………

28. The identification of clients health needs occurs in nursing process step of………..

29. Oxygen, Food and water are which of the following need according to Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs……

30. When you find a person lying on the ground with a cardiopulmonary arrest, what will be the immediate action to be taken?

31. ICN (international council of nurses) was established in………

32. NLEN (national licensure examination for nurses) is conducted by………

33. If heat is transferred from one object to another by direct contact, if is……

34. When the elevated temperature fluctuates wildly but does not reach normal levels between fluctuation is called………

35. Type of abnormal breathing which is the combination of hyperpnoea and apnoea………

36. A client has temperature 104⁰F. This temperature is equal to……………

37. A patient is receiving blood transfusion, if an allergic reaction to the blood develops on patient, the nurse’s first intervention should be…….

38. Which is the unfavorable factor affecting wound healing?

39. For safe administration of drugs, the nurse should follow right …

40. For safe administration of drugs, the nurse should follow right …

41. The process which makes inanimate objects safer to be handled by health personnel before cleaning is………….

42. Recommended temperature, time pressure for autoclaving (steam under pressure)

43. If nurse is administering a cleansing enema to a client enema to a client with a fecal impaction. Before administering the enema the nurse places the client in which position?

44. Who will be third line manager for you at PHC?

45. A nurse is preparing to insert a nasogastric tube in an adult client. To determine the measurements of the length of the tube to be inserted, the nurse should………..

46. Physician prescribed a hypotonic solution (IV) for a client. Which of the following IV solutions would the nurse except to prescribe………

47. The nurse has obtained a unit of blood from the blood bank and has checked the blood bag properly with another nurse. Just before beginning the transfusion, the nurse asses which of the following items?

48. Best type of solution to use for the irrigation of urinary catheter…

49. The most important way to prevent the spread of infection is………….

50. Which instrument is used to test the client’s hearing?

51. When is international nurse’s day celebrated?

52. A nurse is preparing a preoperative client for transfer to the operating room. The nurse should take which action in the care of this client at this time?

53. The nurse is performing an abdominal assessment the nurse performs which assessment at first…..

54. While giving a intradermal injection the needle should be held at ……

55. Appropriate temperature of solution prepared for sitz-bath should be………

56. The nurse determines that a client is having a transfusion reaction. After the nurse stops the transfusion, which action should immediately be taken next………

57. When suctioning an unconscious client, which nursing intervention should the nurse prioritize in maintaining cerebral perfusion….

58. Savlon is……..

59. Scald is a burn caused by……….

60. When you perform CPR on an unresponsive adult, you should correctly asses the pulse of which location?

61. Which of the following would the nurse use as the most reliable indicator of a patient’s fluid balance status?

62. Health policy formation in Nepal since……

63. Trachoma is a disease of………….

64. Kopilk’s spot is the clinical feature of……….

65. BCG vaccine is against………..

66. DOTS stand for………….

67. The vector for malaria is………….

68. HIV/AIDS is caused by a………….

69. Which of the following is waterborne disease?

70. Kala-azar is caused by…………vector

71. Syphilis is caused by………….

72. What type of vaccination is given against measles?

73. Which of the following is principle of primary health care?

74. Oral contraceptives act by……………

75. The ages of child to receive DPT vaccine are………….

76. When was the ALMA ata conference held?

77. Which of the following comes under STDS disease?

78. When oral contraceptives are prescribed for a patient, the nurse should teach the client about the potential of developing……….

79. Which of the following are not the 6 killer diseases?

80. When emergency contraceptive should be taken after the unprotect sexual intercourse?

81. What is the best method of solid waste disposal?

82. Which of the following permanent family planning method requires contraceptives at least for 20 ejaculation surgery?

83. The comprehensive assessment of the health status of an entire community is called……….

84. Which type of approach is used in home visit?

85. Which of following contraceptives is excluded in the outreach clinic?

86. The cases occurs irregular haphazardly form time to time and generally infrequently is…………
